21 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
город и дождь
Ночной город
Viachaslau Shainurau (né en 1986)
Boutique Shainurau Viachaslau

Viachaslau Shainurau
Живописец, живу и работаю в Витебске (Беларусь). Закончил Витебский государственный университета имени П.М.Машерова и магистратуру при нём. Магистр искусствоведения. Принял участие в 30-и областных, республиканских и международных художественных выставках и проектах. Открыл 6 персональных выставок.

Boutique de l'artiste
Shainurau Viachaslau
Nombre de produits: 4
НА УЛИЦЕ ДОЖДЬ 2005 Таганская
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Городской дождь
Yulia Svirepova (né en 1974)
Boutique Svirepova Yulia

Yulia Svirepova
Мои работы – это по-своему романтическая фантазия, впечатление, которое появляется от наблюдения того, что окружает нас. Портретный цикл, как и другие графические листы, предстают не сами по себе в отдельности. Они являют собой единый композиционный ряд, объединенный условным абстрактным образом-знаком в каждой работе. Так как при воплощении замысла стараюсь отойти от конкретной натурности и воплощать некую эстетическую идею гармонии.
Смешение пастели и карандаша – данная техника мною любима. Исходя из технических возможностей материала, моделирую цвет, использую легкость пастели и широту карандашного штриха.

Boutique de l'artiste
Svirepova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 11
Городской дождь
Yulia Svirepova (né en 1974)
Boutique Svirepova Yulia

Yulia Svirepova
Мои работы – это по-своему романтическая фантазия, впечатление, которое появляется от наблюдения того, что окружает нас. Портретный цикл, как и другие графические листы, предстают не сами по себе в отдельности. Они являют собой единый композиционный ряд, объединенный условным абстрактным образом-знаком в каждой работе. Так как при воплощении замысла стараюсь отойти от конкретной натурности и воплощать некую эстетическую идею гармонии.
Смешение пастели и карандаша – данная техника мною любима. Исходя из технических возможностей материала, моделирую цвет, использую легкость пастели и широту карандашного штриха.

Boutique de l'artiste
Svirepova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 11
Городской дождь
Yulia Svirepova (né en 1974)
Boutique Svirepova Yulia

Yulia Svirepova
Мои работы – это по-своему романтическая фантазия, впечатление, которое появляется от наблюдения того, что окружает нас. Портретный цикл, как и другие графические листы, предстают не сами по себе в отдельности. Они являют собой единый композиционный ряд, объединенный условным абстрактным образом-знаком в каждой работе. Так как при воплощении замысла стараюсь отойти от конкретной натурности и воплощать некую эстетическую идею гармонии.
Смешение пастели и карандаша – данная техника мною любима. Исходя из технических возможностей материала, моделирую цвет, использую легкость пастели и широту карандашного штриха.

Boutique de l'artiste
Svirepova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 11
Городской дождь
Yulia Svirepova (né en 1974)
Boutique Svirepova Yulia

Yulia Svirepova
Мои работы – это по-своему романтическая фантазия, впечатление, которое появляется от наблюдения того, что окружает нас. Портретный цикл, как и другие графические листы, предстают не сами по себе в отдельности. Они являют собой единый композиционный ряд, объединенный условным абстрактным образом-знаком в каждой работе. Так как при воплощении замысла стараюсь отойти от конкретной натурности и воплощать некую эстетическую идею гармонии.
Смешение пастели и карандаша – данная техника мною любима. Исходя из технических возможностей материала, моделирую цвет, использую легкость пастели и широту карандашного штриха.

Boutique de l'artiste
Svirepova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 11
Соборна после дождя
olga khobot (né en 1978)
Boutique khobot olga

olga khobot
Я свободный художник без специального образования,мне 39 лет,пишу маслом в технике мастихин- кисть , на холстах.В 2009-2010 посещала частную студию П.Остапенка в городе Сумы,где и живу.В выставках не участвовала,но очень бы хотелось.

Boutique de l'artiste
khobot olga
Nombre de produits: 14
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Alexander Dubovskiy (né en 1959)
Boutique Dubovskiy Alexander

Alexander Dubovskiy
Alexander Dubovsky was born in Ukraine. In 1877 he graduated from an art school. In 1978 Alexander moved to Moscow and started his full-time art career. He still lives here with his wife Nina, children and grandchildren. Alexander developed his own recognizable handwriting in the technique of impressionism. The theme of his paintings is urban and natural landscape. In urban landscapes the artist conveys the life of cities that changes and transforms depending on the time of year and weather. In the landscapes of Dubovsky you can find night landscapes, sunsets, dawns, cities in cloudy and rainy weather, or vice versa, illuminated by the bright midday sunlight. "In my paintings I convey the movement on the streets, the life of people who are going somewhere. I like to depict landscapes of past centuries, and this is a historical monument that takes all of us to the past. I see architecture, especially ancient, as the frozen music of the universe and it inspires me," says Alexander. In 1989 he joined the Moscow Union of Artists and the International Foundation. In 2006 he was educated at the at the Faculty of Fine Arts of MPGU in Moscow. Since the 80s he has been a participant in personal, international, group exhibitions. His paintings are in private collections around the world. Now the artist is in Europe, collecting material for future artwork.
Selected personal exhibitions:
1999 - Personal Exhibition in the central exhibition hall "Solntsevo."
1995- Gallery "Moscow Fine Art," Moscow.
1994 - Amalfi, Italy.
1990 - Katanya, Sicily "Romance with the City."
1988- Mir Gallery, Moscow.
1985 - Exhibition at the AZLK House of Culture.
Selected group exhibitions:
Since 2000 - Member of group exhibitions in the galleries "China-City," "Flute"; CDRI (Moscow).
1997- Christmas Exhibition in the Central House of Artists of Moscow. 1993- All-Russian Gallery Exhibition, Central House of Artists "Start," Moscow.
1992 - Group Exhibition in Hanau, Germany.
Best wishes,

Boutique de l'artiste
Dubovskiy Alexander
Nombre de produits: 21
Осень дорога жизни
Dilshod Khudayorov (né en 1999)
Boutique Khudayorov Dilshod

Dilshod Khudayorov
Художник - самоучка, поступивший в университет станковая живопись . Мой стиль реализм в сочетании с авангардом и пишу в направлении импрессионизма. Я не могу не рисовать ни дня . Я всегда работаю над собой и достиг профессионального уровня. У меня нет мастерской . Я люблю рисовать дома в кругу семьи. Вдохновляясь всем, что меня окружает - людьми, природой и древними городами моей страны. Рождаются мои картины.

Boutique de l'artiste
Khudayorov Dilshod
Nombre de produits: 2
По Евпатории. Депо
Sergey Prin (né en 1962)
Boutique Prin Sergey

Sergey Prin
12.02.62 родился.1996-1990 Донецкое Государственное художественное училище. 1991-1996 Харьковский художественно-промышленный институт ( монументально-декоративная роспись). Член НСХУ ( Национальный Союз художников Украины). Работы находятся в частных коллекциях Украины, России, Израиля, США, Канады, Великобритании, Германии,Австрии, Италии, Франции ит. д. Донецкий художественный музей, Симферопольский художественный музей, Национальный художественный музей Украины ( Киев).

Boutique de l'artiste
Prin Sergey
Nombre de produits: 103
Дождливая зима в Санкт-Петербурге
Natalya Savenkova (né en 1967)
Boutique Savenkova Natalya

Natalya Savenkova
I offer my original fine paintings.
My name is Natalya Savenkova.
I work in painting (oil and tempera), graphics, watercolors, batik.
I work in oil in various genres of landscape, figurative and portrait as well as still life.
Since 2005, I am a member of Union of the Artists (Russia).
1981 to 1985 – I studied in the Bryansk Art College.
1994 – I graduated Saint Petersburg State Repin Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
I live in St. Petersburg.
I am a participant of numerous personal and group exhibitions in Russia and Ukraine.
I invite you to get acquainted with my work and I hope you like it.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me. I’d love to hear from you!
The materials I use, including canvases, paints and mediums are permanent and of professional quality.
Follow me on Instagram:
my site: artdivya.ru/

Boutique de l'artiste
Savenkova Natalya
Nombre de produits: 19
Цапли. Птицы Посейдона_энкаустика на деревянной панели
Yulia Mamontova (né en 1980)
Boutique Mamontova Yulia

Yulia Mamontova
Юлия Владимировна Мамонтова (Забродина) — современный российский художник, правнучка русского купца Василия Мамонтова, который продолжал семейное дело XVIII-XIX веков по торговле и доставке товаров из Англии до Архангельска и Урала по реке Мезень.
Она взяла родовую фамилию для псевдонима, вдохновившись историей своей семьи.
В своём творчестве художник Юлия Мамонтова сочетает лучшие традиции классической русской школы живописи, западные техники и концептуальную подачу, работает в двух направлениях: классическая живопись маслом и декоративно-прикладное искусство «энкаустика» (старинный метод живописи горячим пчелиным воском с пигментами).
Живет и работает в Москве (Россия), Алании (Турция) и в Майами (США).
Юлия входит в Международную Ассоциацию Энкаустов IEA (International Encaustic Artists) и в Евразийский Художественный Союз.
Artist Statement:
Возможно, звучит немного банально и наивно, но моя главная цель в искусстве и в жизни – менять мир к лучшему. И я делаю это по-своему, по-особенному. В своих работах я показываю, насколько история и традиции важны для современного мира и его преображения. Успешно использую как классические методы и материалы живописи (масляные краски, холсты), так и нетрадиционные – многослойность, приемы коллажа, восковые краски и даже горячие инструменты, благодаря которым создаю фактурные поверхности на самых разных основах – от дерева до металла. Тема цикличности истории нашла отражение и в техниках, которые мне интересны. Создавая свои картины, я восстанавливаю забытые знания, популяризирую древние живописные техники, такие как энкаустическая живопись и живопись на металлах. Изучение истории и истоков, осознание их влияния и роли – важные темы во многих сферах, в том числе в живописи.
Свою глобальную миссию я вижу в содействии возрождению культур и искусства разных эпох. Удачное сочетание современных и древних техник, их гармоничный синтез – мой способ менять мир к лучшему. Уверена, эта миссия выполнима.

Boutique de l'artiste
Mamontova Yulia
Nombre de produits: 2